Game Controller Re-design


Subsystem re-design 

This projects is part of a larger subsystem analysis of a game controller. This post only contains the controller redesign.


Controller Subsystems:
Containment · Structural · Directional · Interactivity · Electric · Sensory · Juntion · junction · Interaction · Display · Feedback ·

Current layout of a game controller

Current layout of a game controller

Current layout of a game controller

This abstract diagram shows, the layout of a generic game controller. After looking at various controller, a general morphological pattern is noticeable; the main focus are the handles [directional subsystem] and the buttons [interactivity subsystem]. 


Morfologyc layout of redesign  

Given that the main design objetive was to:

prevent irritation and illness caused by maintaining a prolonged static position by offering two playing-modes; (1) maintaining the original grip, but allowing the variation of button distribution over the control surface and, (2) a new grip, that changes the position transferring the stress to fingers and palms without affecting the usefulness of control 

The new layout, keeps some subsystems [electric and joint] and changes some [structural, directional, interactivity]

variation of button distribution over the control surface

variation of button distribution over the control surface

SIMULATION of rotary button-panels

This GIF shows how the variation of button distribution over the control surface feature works. A player can access the same set of switches with four different variations, hence the players performance is not affected.  


design process summary


Render made by Diego Piracoca